About the Archives of American Art Research Request System, Aeon

What is Aeon?

Aeon—an Atlas Systems product—is the Archives of American Art’s online patron and collection management system. You use Aeon to request an appointment, select materials to consult, place requests for imaging services, and update your contact information. From any computer with internet access, you will be able to monitor the progress of your requests. Public computers are located onsite at our reading rooms in Washington, DC and New York.

Why do I need a username and password to use Aeon?

Your username and password allows us to give you secure access to information about your requests. We can also enable you to edit your personal information such as your address or phone number.

Your username can be anything you like, such as your name, abbreviations, or an alphanumeric code. It should be a maximum of 50 characters, but any characters are permitted.

Your password must be at least 6 characters long and contain a capital letter and a number. We recommend that you follow good security practice and choose a password that is different from those you use to access other systems. However, no one but you will know your password, not even the Archives of American Art staff. The password you set is stored in an encrypted format.

What if I forget my password?

Aeon will allow you to request a password reset by clicking on “Forgot Password?” found on the Login screen. On the “Forgot Password” page you will be prompted to enter your username, and then click “Reset Password.” Next, an e-mail with a link will be sent to the e-mail address you supplied when you registered as a reader. By clicking on the link in the e-mail, you will be able to reset your password. If you need help, please contact us at aaaemref@si.edu.

What Web browser should I use?

To view Aeon, you need a Web browser that can handle forms, tables, and preferably cascading style sheets (CSS). We recommend the current versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer. Mozilla Firefox is not recommended, due to some technical issues with that browser which may prevent Aeon from working properly.

Is security a problem if I use a public workstation?

Yes. Web browsers cache information and create a history file on the local workstation. This allows a subsequent user of the workstation to access the system under your name using the browser's Back button to recall a page from the cache, or by finding a page with your personal information in the browser's history file. If you are concerned about the security of your requests, you can take the following steps:

  • Access Aeon only from your personal computer or an otherwise secure workstation.
  • Access Aeon from a public workstation at the Archives of American Art.

When using a public access workstation:

  • Delete from the history file those pages that contain your personal information.
  • Exit from the Web browser before you leave the workstation. This prevents the Back button from accessing the pages you were using.

Who do I contact if I have problems with or questions about Aeon?

Email the Archives of American Art staff at aaaemref@si.edu

Why does my browser say that you're sending a cookie? What's in it?

Cookies—or small pieces of information sent to your browser by a website that you visit—are used to track usage patterns, traffic trends and customer behavior, as well as to record other information from the Website.

The Archives of American Art Research Request System sends a Session ID, which is stored on your personal computer, laptop, or mobile device.

You can refuse this cookie through your browser and still be able to use Aeon without any problems.

To read more about the Smithsonian's Privacy Policy, please visit http://www.si.edu/privacy/